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My First Dinosaur Booklet is created for little dinosaur lovers. It contains worksheets, flash cards, answers their most common dinosaur questions and even a poster for their room!
We learned the life cycle of a Turtle using this matching activity. Simply cut out the circles and match the pictures to the labels. To make things a bit more difficult, flip all 8 circles over and play a classic matching game.Turtle Life Cycle – Matching Game
This printable has helped my family memorize their ‘before/after eating duaas’. I simply cut the printable down the dotted line and stuck them on the dining table. These are always visible and a great reminder for the duaas we should all be reciting before and after eating our meals
Arabic Bingo is the perfect play based learning activity for early Arabic alphabet learners. With its large print, this is a great activity to do with little hands. Download your free copy!
This is the most tried and tested recipe from my kitchen! It is simple to make and it is so versatile. I use the same recipe for bread, filled buns, chicken bread, naan and of course, pizza!Homemade Pizza Dough Recipe
My name is Samia and I am a homeschooling mother of two kids (ages 4.5 and almost 2). My children are my greatest asset and I want them to be my my contribution to this world.