Hearty Fibre Protein Rotis

Hearty Fibre Protein Rotis

Between work, homeschool and kids, I need all the energy possible! This recipe makes a very hearty roti that I am going to make and store in the fridge for the week. Between this and my Avocado Paratha recipe, my carbs have never been so healthy!

  • 0.5 cup ground flax seeds
  • 0.5 cup ground oats
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 0.5-0.75 cups hot water
  • butter/ghee to top
  1. I grind my own flax seeds and oats but they can be purchased already grounded

  2. Mix all dry ingredients together in your mixer or in a bowl

  3. Add your olive oil and mix into your flour mixture

  4. Gradually add hot water and knead into a soft dough – do not over knead. The dough should come together similar to regular roti dough

  5. Once the dough ball is smooth (see picture), cover and let rest for 15 minutes

  6. Preheat a non-stick pan on medium low temperature

  7. Divide the dough into 8 smaller balls

  8. Using a rolling pin, start to roll out one dough ball. Make sure the remaining 7 dough balls stay covered. Air will dry out your dough and cause it to form a skin and result in tougher rotis.

  9. Roll out into a 10" circle and place top side down onto your pan. Cook for 1 minute before flipping. Cook each side until you see small brown spots all over

  10. Top with butter or ghee for flavour and softness

  11. Can be stored in the fridge in a Ziploc for 3-4 days.

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